5 Great Reasons to Hire a Professional Tax Preparer

5 Great Reasons to Hire a Professional Tax Preparer

U.S. tax code is notoriously complex and ever-changing so it’s no wonder that the term “tax season” can provoke stress and anxiety. It’s difficult to stay on top of the requirements and the more complicated your financial situation, the more challenging the process becomes. 

It’s not impossible to do your own taxes. But when you only work with the tax code once a year, navigating it correctly can be a formidable undertaking. Luckily, there are professionals who work with the tax code every day: professional tax preparers and CPAs. 

What Does a Tax Preparer Do?

A tax preparer helps people and businesses prepare and file their tax returns. These professionals are experts in state and federal tax codes, refund calculations, tax forms and more. They work to file tax return correctly while providing their clients with largest refund possible. 

5 Great Reasons to Hire a Professional Tax Preparer

Imagine a year where you didn’t dread April 15. While it can be tempting to buckle down and DIY approach to your taxes, hiring professional tax services from a tax preparer can make that dream a reality. Working with a tax preparer offers a host of benefits, especially when you choose one from a trusted CPA firm. Here’s why hiring a professional tax preparer is a great idea:

  1. Saves You More Money: Many people avoid working with a tax preparer because they’re concerned about the cost. But that cost can be more than recovered when you work with someone who can maximize your tax return. One survey of 2,000 taxpayers found that self-filers received an average of $804 less than people who used a tax professional.  
  2. Helps You Reclaim Your Time: Between work, life and everything in between in can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Why spend your precious free time doing taxes? According to the IRS, it takes the average person 13 hours to self-file their taxes. That’s over 1.5 work days! A tax preparer can cut that time dramatically, giving you time back in your schedule. 
  3. Reduces Your Risk of Audit: While your chances of being audited are slim, the possibility does exist. The US tax code is approximately 2,600 pages long and clocks in at well over 1 million words. When you work with a tax preparer, you’ll have an expert who is familiar with the code and can support you to achieve the best possible outcome.
  4. Provides You with a Trusted Advisor: Tax preparers are available to work with you year-round, not just at tax time. If you want help creating a sensible tax plan, or have questions after a major life change, having a relationship with a tax preparer can help. 
  5. Gives You Peace of Mind

According to the IRS, 84% of people surveyed said it’s unacceptable to cheat on their income taxes and 93% believe it’s a civic duty to pay their fair share. When you work with a professional tax preparer or CPA, you won’t have doubt or anxiety that your taxes were completed correctly. You’ll rest easy know you’ve paid your part, not more and not less. 

Find Excellent Roanoke Tax Preparation at Neely’s Accounting

Neely’s Accounting Roanoke CPA firm has been serving our community since 2007. We believe that hiring a professional tax preparer is a great investment in your well-being. If you’re ready to gain time, money, peace of mind and so much more contact Neely’s Accounting

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